1. Academic Publications

1A. Books

  • 2015 - Evidence-Based Corruption Control. The Anticorruption Report vol. 3 (editor), Barbara Budrich Publishers, forthcoming September
  • 2015 - The Quest for Good Governance. How Societies Develop Control of Corruption, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming August
  • 2014 - The Anticorruption Frontline. The Anticorruption Report vol 2 (editor). Barbara Budrich Publishers
  • 2013 - Controlling Corruption in Europe, (Anticorruption Report 1), editor and main author, Barbara Budrich, August 2013
  • 2010 - A Tale of Two Villages. Coerced Modernization in the East European Countryside, Budapest, New York: Central European University Press, reviewed in The Economist, H-NET, Südosteuropa. Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft
  • 2010 - Ottomans into Europeans: State and Institution-building in South-Eastern Europe (with Wim van Meurs). London: Hurst; Boulder: Columbia University Press, reviewed in Europe-Asia Studies, Slavic Review, Südosteuropa. Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft

1B. Journal Articles / Book Chapters on Governance

  1. Corruption: Good governance powers innovation’, Nature, 518(7539), p. 295
  2. ‘Corruption: Political and Public Aspects’, in James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 5. Oxford: Elsevier. 2015, pp. 12–20
  3. ‘Becoming Denmark: Historical Designs of Corruption Control’, Social Research, Vol. 80, No. 4, January 2014, pp. 1259-1286
  4. Corruption in Universities: A blueprint for reform’, Times Higher Education, November 21st 2013
  5. ‘Freedom without Impartiality. The vicious Circle of Media Capture’, in Gross, Peter & Jakubowicz, Karol (eds.), Media Transformations in the Post-Communist World, Lexington Books, UK, pp. 33-47
  6. The Widening Implementation Gap: the Impact of EU Accession on Governance in the Western Balkans’, in Prifti, Eviola (ed.) The European Future of the Western Balkans - Thessaloniki@10, European Institute for Security Studies, pp. 35-44
  7. Controlling Corruption by Collective Action’, Journal of Democracy, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2013,pp. 101-115
  8. Controlling Corruption by Collective Action’, Journal of Democracy, winter 2012
  9. ‘Struggling with Media Capture’ in Understanding Media Policies, with Cristian Ghinea, edited by Evangelia Psychogiopoulou, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012
  10. 10. ‘Perpetual Transitions: Contentious Property and Europeanization in South-Eastern Europe’ in East European Politics and Societies, Sage, 2/2012
  11. Civil Society and Control of Corruption: Assessing Governance of Romanian Public Universities’ in International Journal of Educational Development, Vol. 31, Issue 5, 2011
  12. Beyond perception. Has Romania’s governance improved after 2004?’ in Romanian Journal of Political Science, with Sorin Ionita, Otilia Nutu, Laura Stefan, Vol. 11, Issue 1, 2011
  13. ‘Getting Governance Right: Can the EU be Effective after Accession?’ in Internationale Politik, August 2010
  14. ‘Corruption: Diagnosis and Treatment’ in Journal of Democracy, Vol. 17, Issue 3, July 2006, pp. 86–99
  15. ‘Understanding Balkan Particularism. The Ambiguous Social Capital of South-Eastern Europe’ in Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1, London: Taylor & Francis, January 2005, pp. 45–65
  16. ‘Culture of Corruption or Accountability Deficit’, East European Constitutional Review, 80, 2003

1C. Policy Reports

  1. Contextual Choices in Fighting Corruption. Lessons Learned’, Oslo: Norwegian Agency for Cooperation in Development (NORAD), September 2011
  2. A Case Study in Political Clientelism: Romania's Policy-Making Mayhem’, October 2010, Introduction to World Bank Functional Review Romania 2010
  3. The Experience of Civil Society as an Anti-Corruption Actor in East Central Europe’ in Romanian Journal of Political Science, Special Issue, Vol. 10, September 2010, p. 5. Open Society Institute Report
  4. A House of Cards? Building the Rule of Law in the Balkans’, chapter in The Western Balkans and the EU: 'the Hour of Europe', edited by Jacques Rupnik, Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies, June 2011
  5. ‘Seeking the Virtuous Circle. Migration and Development in South-Eastern Europe’ in Development and Transition, a journal of United Nations Development Programme and London School of Economics, No. 2, 2005, pp. 7-11

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Romania. Outsmarting the EU's Smart Power.pdf
Corruption_ Diagnosis and Treatment.pdf
Is East-Central Europe Backsliding.pdf
The Other Transition (Summary and Cover).pdf
Two_Villages_Introductory_ Chapter(eng).pdf
SEE Property Restitution Paper.pdf
Romania. Fatalistic Political Cultures Revisited.pdf
Hijacked Modernization_ Romanian Political Culture in the 20th Century.pdf
Deconstructing Balkan Particularism. The Ambiguous Social Capital of Southeastern Europe.pdf
Return to Europe as an Anticommunist and Transformational Device.pdf
Democracy and Autoritarianism in the Postcommunist World. When Europeanization Meets Transformation (Description & Cover).pdf
Contextual Choices in Fighting Corruption_ Lessons Learned.pdf
Democratization Without Decommunization in the Balkans.pdf
Exploring the Constituencies for Europe in Southeastern Europe.pdf


  • A Tale of Two Villages.
Coerced Modernization in the East European Countryside

    Author(s): Alina Mungiu Pippidi Publishing House: Budapest: CEU Press Year of Publication: 2010 Language: English

    Link publishing house Description: This dramatic story of land and power from twentieth-century Eastern Europe is set in two extraordinary villages: a rebel village, where peasants fought the advent of Communism and became its first martyrs, and a model village turned forcibly into a town, Dictator Ceauşescu’s birthplace. The two villages capture among themselves nearly a century of dramatic transformation and social engineering, ending up with their charged heritage in the present European Union.
  • Ottomans into Europeans: State and Institution-building in South-Eastern Europe

    Author(s): Alina Mungiu Pippidi, Wim P. Wanmeurs (editors) Publishing House: London: Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Year of Publication: 2010 Language: English

    Link publishing house Description: The contributors to this volume offer a singular history of the Balkan's bureaucracies, judiciaries, democratic elections, free media, and local and central governments. Essays examine the selection, evolution, and performance of these entities within a post-Ottoman Balkan state and accounts for their variations throughout the region. At the same time, these articles address the commonalities and differences between individual countries of South Eastern and Western Europe and decipher institutional arrangements and choices. Contributors answer two key questions: did the post-Ottoman wave of Europeanization and Western-type institution-building fail in the Balkans, and does this explain the region's continuing political fragility? If this is the case, do underlying factors explain this failure and suggest how it might occur again in present efforts to reintegrate the region?
  • Secera si buldozerul. Scornicesti si Nucsoara. Mecanisme de aservire a taranului roman [VILLAGES ROUMAINS]

    Author(s): Alina Mungiu Pippidi, Gerard Althabe Publishing House: Iasi: Polirom Year of Publication: 2004 Language: Romanian
    DownloadSecera si buldozerul. Scornicesti si Nucsoara. Mecanisme de aservire a taranului roman

    Link publishing house Description: The book is the result of the cooperation with several students of the National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA, Romania) who attended, in Spring 2001, a training in the methodology of oral history and participant observation led by Gerard Althabe and Aurora Liiceanu, within the Romanian Institute for Recent History (IRIR). Thus, the condition of the peasant during the processes of programmed modernization was examined. “This book is about two villages in Eastern Europe. Since the countries in and by themselves, despite their exceptional history, are not of much interest for the rest of world, just like their country, Romania, isn’t – Romania being one of those eternal “grey” areas with minimum participation in world history – the attention being paid to them is apparently unjustified. However, it is not so: with the help of these two villages, authors aim at a closer examination of a much more enigmatic reality, also of a much more general interest.” (Authors)
  • VILLAGES ROUMAINS. Entre destruction communiste et violence libérale

    Author(s): Alina Mungiu Pippidi, Gerard Althabe Publishing House: Paris: L’Harmattan Year of Publication: 2005 Language: French
    Link publishing house Description: French edition of the Secera si buldozerul. Scornicesti si Nucsoara. Mecanisme de aservire a taranului roman
  • Nationalism after Communism: Lessons Learned

    Authors: Alina Mungiu Pippidi, Ivan Krastev (editors) Publishing House: New York and Budapest: Central European University Press Year of Publication: 2004 Language: English (translated into Albanian and Serb-Croat)
    Link Publishing House Description: Drawing on lessons from post-communist Europe, this book provides a summary of the practical wisdom learned in the management of ethnic conflicts from the Balkans to Chechnya. Grounded in empirical - mostly comparative - research, the essays go beyond theoretical postulates and normative ideals and acknowledge the considerable experience that exists within the post-communist world on ethnic conflict, nation and state building. What does the post-communist experience have in common with other nationalisms and nation-related conflicts, and what, if anything, is unique about it? This book, written by academics with experience as policy advisors, is strongly policy-oriented. The primordial type hypotheses of ethnic social capital and ancient hatreds are tested on the basis of public opinion surveys on nationalism and ethnic cohabitation in various countries in east-central Europe. Power-sharing arrangements in the Balkans, the small separatist Republics of the post-Soviet world as well as ethno-federalism from the former Yugoslavia to the former Soviet Empire are discussed in the respective chapters.
  • Romania After 2000. Threats and Challenges (Annual Early Warning Report, Romania 2001)

    Authors: Alina Mungiu Pippidi, Daniel Daianu, Sorin Ionita, Liviu Voinea Publishing House: Iasi: Polirom Year of Publication: 2002 Language: English
    Publishing House Link Description: The most comprehensive collection of studies about the state of Romanian society in 2000 and the hidden threats towards building a consolidated democracy and sustainable development. The volume is based on the regular reports of the Romanian Academic Society, a privat think-tank which produces, upon UNDP request, Early Warnings Reports Romania, monthly public policy reports which warn the government on potential crises and propose solutions. The volume covers a wide area, with an extensive database of statistical data and public opinion polls, from European integration, to the problems of Romanian agriculture, and to the problems of building a flood prevention system. The book is written in English, with a broad summary of all chapters written in Romanian.
  • Politics After Communism

    Authors: Alina Mungiu Pippidi Publishing House: Bucuresti: Humanitas Year of Publication: 2002 Language: Romanian DOWNLOAD: Politics After Communism (selected chapters)

    Publishing House Link Description: Can a single book comprise all there is to know and can be understood about reinventing politics after communism? This is the challenge addressed in this book.
  • Transilvania subiectiva [Subjective Transylvania]

    Authors: Alina Mungiu Pippidi Publishing House: Bucuresti: Humanitas Year of Publication: 1999 Language: Romanian
    Publishing House Link Description: After centuries of rivalry, oppression and conflict, Transylvania succeeded in becoming an ethnically homogenous region, as it happened to many other European regions with a multi-ethnic past. Two peoples are forced to share the same state. Nowhere in the world is this easy and attainable without effort, lengthy negotiations, reciprocal frustrations. Romanians have hard times accepting that Hungarians have not “Romanized” after 80 years of living within the boundaries of the Romanian state, and probably never will. Hungarians, in turn, cannot fully accept the idea they are being led by Romanians, through a political culture and political institutions that belong to a culture which is not theirs; this makes them feel dispossessed and marginalized, although their rights are respected. Conflict, like love, is not grounded however in objective judgments. Subjective Transylvania is the one seen by its inhabitants, which harbours both fears and pride, bad memories and good hopes. The book guides readers through this world through the lens of the socio-political theory of nationalism and comparative politics.
  • Politici Publice. Teorie si Practica [Public Policy. Theory and Practice]

    Authors: Alina Mungiu Pippidi, Sorin Ionita Publishing House: Iasi: Polirom Year of Publication: 2002 Language: Romanian
    Publishing House Link: Description: The book aims at offering both a reading and an academic class for the youngest academic subject in Romanian universitie – public policy. There is a science of government, and from MPs to public sector managers to student in economics and political science, its study is necessary in our public live. The cornerstone of the book is the original case studies on public policy in Romania, brought together with the aim of offering students and researchers representative samples of applied research and of filling the void in this field. The themes of the studies, some comparative, some centered on Romania, comprise: economic reform, social reform, healthcare reform, educational reform, public TV reform, governmental policies on corruption and administrative reform. The book is complemented by three theoretical chapters which discuss how the field is defined (Leslie Pal), the state of this academic subject in Central and Eastern Europe (Alina Mungiu-Pippidi) and the methodology for drafting a public policy paper (Sorin Ionita).
  • Doctrine Politice: Concepte universale si realitati romanesti [Political Doctrines: Universal Concepts and Romanian Realities]

    Authors: Alina Mungiu Pippidi (editor) Publishing House: Iasi: Polirom Year of Publication: 1998 Language: Romanian
    Publishing House Link Description: What is a political doctrine? What can differentiate political doctrines and ideologies? How are they classified? How can they be identified in political life? To which realities and cleavages do they correspond? – these are some of the questions for which the book provides an answer, in articles writte by Teodor Baconski, Marcian Bleahu, Ion Bulei, Anton Carpinschi, Aurelian Craiutu, Al. Zub s.a.
  • Romanii dupa ’89 [Romanians after ‘89]

    Authors: Alina Mungiu Pippidi Publishing House: Bucuresti: Humanitas Year of Publication: 1996 Language: Romanian (also translated in German, “Die Rumaenen nach ‘89”, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Timisoara, 1997)
    Publishing House Link
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    Description: Romanii dupa '89 is Alina Mungiu-Pippidi's dissertation. Published by Humanitas in 1995, with three successive editions, this political communication book argued that postcommunist Romanians has values and attitudes still strongly grounded in the Communist regime. A national best seller, it was quoted and used extensively in the electoral campaign of 1996, which led to Romania's first political swing and anticommunist electoral victory. The book was translated into German by Friederich Ebert Stiftung Foundation.